Saturday, February 10, 2007

Essay (Continued)

Dinner was good. Fried chicken wing, curry vegetables and fish. he gobbled down his food hurriedly, taking pauses in between spoonfuls to talk to his friends, friends that he had trained with for the past few months and weeks.

"Eh why you so lousy just now? The target so near only, 300m you cannot hit meh?"
"Cannot la shag leh..."
"Haha... you yesterday night shagged too much is it... Book out then go and have fun, right?"
"No la.... I weak ma, not like you muscleman"
"Haha.. I teach you a method, you just think that of that target board as a pretty girl loh... Then you will shoooot hard at her ma..."
"Eh, how come that line so familiar ah..." He gives that stupid blur look.
"Haha... you teach me one ma, do chin-up must imagine got pretty girl for you to kiss at the top of the bar..."

That drew a long round of laugher from the other guys, while he just gave his usual nodding, half smiling look. To his newly made friends, he may seemed like a jovial, fun-loving, happy-go-lucky person. But deep inside, he knows he is not. His heart locked many secrets, many troubles that no one can unlock. Inwardly, he gave a long sigh.

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